Thursday, June 17, 2010

Camper Pictures

Sean of "Go Anywhere" and Ernie got the camper installed yesterday with only a minor difficulty that was resolved. Sean and his wife Diana were wonderful hosts who fed us lunch and dinner (Diana's a fantastic cook!) and let us spend the night camped out on their farm. We listened to a symphony of coyotes yipping, birds chirping, owls hooting, cows mooing, sand hill cranes making whatever sound they make and watched the sun rise from the window over our bed! The camper is cozy, and we'll have to work out a system for both of us moving around in it (we have to maneuver to pass each other), but I found spaces for everything we brought with us except five gallons of water. We have a stove, refrigerator, toilet, shower, queen-size bed, sink, and enough storage--everything we need for four months on the road!
Well, I managed to load a few pictures, but they're all out of order (backwards order),
and I haven't yet figured out how to move them. So I'll just label them as they are for now
since we're almost ready to start traveling north! I'll post pics of the inside of the camper
later when I have more time.

Camper popped up with awning out
View of the other side with all the controls, etc.
With pop-up folded down
Passenger side with pop-up down
Another view from Sean's shop...beautiful day in Wisconsin!
Ernie with the toilet cassette, showing how to empty it.
Good thing he has lots of waste-water treatment plant experience :)
Diana filling the water tank
Sean and Ernie installing camper
View from front of Sean's shop. Beautiful farm!!
Truck in our driveway loaded for the trip...prepared for rain!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great!! And you remembered your hanging clothes! ;-)
