Monday, June 21, 2010

Museum Day and more...

For Father's Day Ernie decided he'd like to explore some museums we found in Superior, Wisconsin, and Duluth, Minnesota. Duluth has a lovely section of shops, restaurants, convention center, etc., along the canal and an Aerial Lift Bridge we were told was a must-see from an engineering perspective for our resident engineer. We had gorgeous weather, enjoyed walking around and observing the Aerial Lift Bridge in action, and explored the Duluth Maritime Museum, which had lots of information for ex-sailor and engineer Ernie! I actually enjoyed it, too--lots of info about the Great Lakes that I didn't know, even though I grew up very close to Lake Michigan and visited it often as a child.

The Richard I. Bong Veterans Historical Center closed about a half hour after our arrival Saturday, so we returned Sunday. It's dedicated to World War II topics and Dick Bong in particular, a WW II flying ace from Wisconsin who shot down 40 Japanese planes. Also on display is a restored P-38 plane, one of the fighter planes Richard Bong flew. Fascinating for anyone interested in WW II memorabilia, displays, and information!

Today we stopped to see Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, Babe, in Bemidji, Minnesota, his "birthplace." Apparently Bemidji is the "first" town on the Mississippi--geographically speaking, I assume, since it's very close to the headwaters of the Mississippi.

In my previous posts, I was so focused on the camper and posting pictures that I forgot to mention one of the best parts of the trip so far and probably throughout: the gorgeous scenery we're enjoying. In all of our previous visits to Wisconsin, we've thought it was beautiful, and this trip is no exception! Because of a traffic tie-up in Madison, we deviated from our planned route and meandered through some country roads (imagine Ernie meandering through the countryside :)), enjoying some beautiful Wisconsin farm scenery! As we travel through Minnesota, we find it beautiful as well. Makes us appreciate the beauty of God's creation and the varied landscapes in our country!

We haven't had any trouble finding campgrounds each evening, have been happy with them, and have met some interesting folks! My two personal favorites were a city park along the shore of Lake Superior in Ashland, Wisconsin, and last night at the Itasca Co. Fairgrounds in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. The campsite even came complete with firewood, so woodsman Ernie built a fantastic fire in the fire pit last night and this morning. Not only did it provide warmth, but it smelled fantastic...very woodsy!

Since I'm connected to the internet through my phone, and service is quite slow out here in northwestern Minnesota, I'll not try to post any pictures until we get some faster service, but we do have lots of good ones!

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