Saturday, June 19, 2010

More Camper Pictures

Tonight we're at a campground outside Superior, Wisconsin, just over the state line from Duluth, Minnesota, and last night we camped on the shore of Lake Superior in Ashland, Wisconsin. We haven't been making very good time but stopping often to investigate attractions like the Concrete Park in Phillips, Wisconsin; Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center outside of Ashland; small towns; and the Richard Bong Veterans Historical Center in Superior. We've also had to do a little shopping for some additional items we discovered we needed. Since we're still novices at this camping stuff, it takes us longer than it should to get ourselves organized and packed up to leave every morning. I'm sure we'll get better at it as we gain experience, but we'll definitely have to pick up the pace if we're going to be home in four months! We got to the Bong Center just before closing this afternoon so decided to stay close and return tomorrow--Ernie didn't have time to read all the displays :)
I haven't loaded pictures from the last couple days onto my laptop yet, so for today I'll just load some more of the camper pictures.
Not sure why some of the pictures aren't where I thought I put them, but oh, well...
Sean, Diana, and Ernie with Sean's birthday cake

Our bed, all made up and ready for our first night

The kitchen (stove is under black cover). One problem I discovered is that the counter is too high for someone as short as I am, and I had trouble reaching the sink to brush my teeth, even standing on my tippy-toes! I managed to get toothpaste all over me and the sink, so today we bought a little stool for me to stand on to brush my teeth...similar to the one our kids had when they were too little to reach the sink :) What can I works
Kitchen cabinets...more storage than it appears--just have to be a little creative in finding spaces for everything
Bench with storage underneath; also makes into a single bed; storage behind bench
"Pantry" and refrigerator
"Bathroom" has a curtain to pull across for privacy; there's also a shower that has a floor basin that fits between the toilet and cabinet with a curtain that hooks to the ceiling. It's a bit cumbersome to set up but after a day with no shower, it felt wonderful! Getting the toilet was one of our best decisions, especially at 3 am!!


  1. Ernie & Joanna,
    Diana sent your blog site so I will be monitoring your progress. To refresh your memory I was getting my camper as you were departing. I need to know how the trail looks for my journey next year, will be going the same direction in about the same amount of time.
    You kids have a great time and take care; and if your ever in North Eastern Wisconsin (Green Bay) you can count on a place to stay. Free elect, water and sewer. Lot of nice things to see here.

  2. Ernie and Joanne -
    It is GREAT that you are sharing your journey with all of us like this. I loved Wisconsin and Michigan last year when I saw it and all the lighthouses, as Joanne knows. The camper looks interesting?!
    Looking forward to your continued news --
