Tuesday, June 22, 2010

North Dakota

Even though we awoke to rain this morning, skies cleared, and we had an absolutely gorgeous day driving through North Dakota with incredibly blue skies, white fluffy clouds, and lush green fields! We stopped just east of the Montana state line in Williston, ND.

Ernie at the marker for the geographical center of North America in Rugby, ND, where we spent last night
Joanne posing in the same spot
For all of Ernie's GE buddies who've worked with him at wastewater treatment plants: he hasn't abandoned his wastewater treatment efforts :) . . . Dealing with the tank from the RV
Ernie texting the kids from Old Settlers Park outside Minot, ND, where we stopped for a picnic lunch
View from the picnic table
Our picnic site
Truck at the park where we had our picnic lunch
Some of the beautiful North Dakota scenery--yes, the skies really are that blue! Temperature was about 75! Perfect!
We just had to stop in the town of Ross, ND, for Ross :)

Post office in Ross, where the postmistress gave us a postmark to give to Ross

Well, somehow in trying to move pictures, I accidentally deleted the Welcome sign to Ross, ND. Other two pictures were from atop a hill about 5 miles west of Ross--beautiful scenery where we could see forever! North Dakota is another beautiful state!

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