Saturday, July 3, 2010

British Columbia, Canada

After driving for an hour or two upon leaving Jasper, we crossed the continental divide, which creates the boundary between Alberta and British Columbia and also marks a new time zone. Shortly after entering BC, we stopped to view Mt. Robson, the highest point in the Canadian Rockies. So we each had to do the obligatory pose in front of the mountain.

After visiting with Fred over breakfast, our campsite neighbor from the night before, he invited us to spend the night camping at his farm just west of Prince George, since it was right on our route. He and his dog Panda had been good campsite neighbors and live on a 40 acre farm, so he had plenty of room for us to camp. Ernie never passes up a chance to see another farm, so we took him up on his offer. He was very hospitable, inviting us in for a visit, giving us a walking tour of his farm, and providing us with electricity. He's a native of Switzerland and emigrated to Canada in 1966 (he's just a few years older than us.) This is the view of the sunset over his farm from our camping spot.
Fred and his dog Panda. Panda decided I was her buddy :)
We stopped for an afternoon break in the little town of Houston, BC. They had a very pretty little town garden where I got to enjoy the blooming flowers.

Towns were few and far between on our drive today, but the ones that are there are pretty little towns with lots of character. The next one was the town of Telkwa on the Telkwa River in the Bulkley Valley, again with a town park along the river, with mountains in the background.

Ernie taking a break, watching the river
View of the river the opposite direction
Ernie relaxing
We're spending the night tonight in the town of Smithers, BC, which appears to be a ski resort town in the winter. Tomorrow we've been told the area where we're heading is truly the wilderness--the territory we drove through most of today seemed pretty wilderness-like to us, except for a few towns occasionally. I guess there won't be any more towns to break up the wilderness for quite some time now! Communication will probably cease for a few days, but we're hoping to make it to Fairbanks by July 12, so we have a little over a week to get there.

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