Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nabesna Rd. in Wrangell-St. Elias

It was getting close to dark when we entered Wrangell-St. Elias National Park on the Nabesna Road, but we decided to continue for a little while, then decide whether to turn around and return to Tok or camp along the way somewhere.
We drove far enough to determine that we wanted to continue the entire 42 miles of the Nabesna Road, even though after 20 miles, it was recommended for only 4-wheel drive vehicles. Since we have a 4-wheel drive truck, that wasn't a deterrent, and we decided it was worth the miles and time. We drove until we couldn't see much, then found a place to camp beside a lake.
The next morning we woke up to find an eagle perched in the tree behind the truck. He took off in flight just as I snapped the picture.
Twin Lakes, where we camped
Trail Creek, which runs across Nabesna Road, is one of three creeks which cross the road and the reason for the warning about not driving it without 4-wheel drive. It turned out that the other two creeks were dry, just very rocky, and Trail Creek wasn't bad. Ernie had fun splashing through it!
Some Nabesna Road scenery--stunning, but impossible to capture the vastness of it in a picture!

Jack Creek, where we stopped to eat our breakfast of granola bars, bananas, and oj

Ernie trying to warm up in the sunshine after eating breakfast
Truck beside Jack Creek
More scenery

Notice the rocks--not gravel . . . this is the road!
About 5 miles from the end of the road
The end of Nabesna Road
Mountains from the end of the road
Ernie sitting on the front porch of Ellis' Devil Mountain Lodge with their black lab puppy and dachshund
Puppy wants to be friends but dachshund disagrees . . . he's growling constantly. Cute!
More scenery from the Ellis' porch

Panoramic scene on the way back
Trail Creek again
Mt. Drum (behind the clouds) and Kettle Lake

One of our best days on the whole trip!

1 comment:

  1. 1) The one of the bald eagle is awesome! Uncle Ken would be proud :)
    2) All that scenery is gorgeous - so glad you finally had some pretty weather!
    3) That picture of the puppy and dachshund grimacing is quite possibly the funniest picture of dogs ever
    4) Cracks me up that the "State Maintenance Ends" sign was After your picture of how the road is just rocks. and that they even bothered with a speed limit of 10 :P
