Sunday, August 1, 2010

Walk to the Kenai River

Sunday evening before going back to the camper for dinner, we walked up to the Kenai Princess Lodge, which is on a hill above the campground, and then took a path down to the Kenai River, which the lodge overlooks.
The Kenai Princess Lodge, where we ate dinner Thursday night and breakfast Sunday morning
I love the hanging baskets of flowers all over Alaska--their summer weather is conducive to gorgeous flowers! This one is on the deck of the lodge.
Ernie being silly as we're entering the lodge to buy stamps
Some wildflowers on the way down the hill to the river
Kenai River
Ernie filming the river
Ernie practicing fending off bears with my walking stick. Signs warned of bear danger--one had been spotted recently in the campground and in the woods where we were walking!

More Kenai River scenes

Part of the path down to the river
More river views
Ernie filming again
More of the river
Cloudy mountain--hope the clouds disappear by tomorrow!

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